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Genesis Page 15
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Page 15
As if the night were on repeat, I woke to a trembling body and rapid pulse. Man, I was getting sick of this. “Heath,” I said. “You might as well come out. I know you’re here.”
I lifted onto my elbows. “Seriously. I’m going to throttle you when I get enough control of my power to do it. Don’t you know I’m tired? Oh, and by the way, it is all your fault!”
Ice encrusted me. Now that I thought about it, I was sure Heath wasn’t here.
Something else was.
I couldn’t say how I knew that. It wasn’t even completely dark; however, it might as well have been pitch black for how my body shook.
Instinctively, I called to Jett. I’m in trouble. Just in case I sent the same message to Luke. Then I scanned the room for the intruder I knew lurked in the shadows.
A reptilian hiss sounded by my left ear. I snapped my neck around. “Who’s there?” I asked the empty space.
I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. My heartbeat staggered on. Where were Luke and Jett? Shouldn’t they be here by now?
Another hiss. This time closer.
I leapt from the bed and made it halfway to the door before I caught my first glimpse of a wraith. Before I could scream the air around me distorted, and I was flung against the opposite wall. My whole body ached as if every one of my bones had splintered on impact. I found myself on my feet, even though I hadn’t moved a muscle, barely able to stand the pain shooting up my legs.
“Nexxusss,” the air said. “We have waaaiited long for you to commme.”
That was the voice of fear. “What do you want?” I breathed.
The space in front of me distorted again. This time the rippling solidified into a creature too hideous to exist. Flakes of green skin clung to oozing grey flesh. Humanoid in appearance, it easily stood eight feet tall. It had no hair or eyes, only a gaping black hole where a mouth and nose should have been. The arms hung loose at its sides with what looked more like tentacles than hands at the ends, and its muscled legs rested in a casual stance.
The thing inched closer to me. “Only to protect, Missstressss.”
How was being flung against a friggin wall protection? Oh man, if this thing really was here to protect me, what else was out there? “Um, thanks,” I said because what else was there besides screaming?
It laughed. “You feeaarrr uussss. Whhhyyy?”
Apart from the obvious, how should I know? I just did.
“We will change your mind.”
I highly doubted that.
When it reached for me, I screamed louder than a midnight train. My new door burst open. Jett came in first with Luke not far behind him. “What is it?” Luke asked.
Didn’t they see the thing that was…no longer in front of me? Crap. Where did it go? I gulped and pressed my hand to my chest. “It’s gone,” I whispered.
Jett’s face went blank. “What is gone?”
I stared at him. “I…don’t know what it was.”
“It?” asked Luke.
My whole body shook; I couldn’t stop it. In fact, if I didn’t sit down, my legs might just give out on me. The wall wasn’t too far away, so I used it as an anchor. “I wouldn’t even know where to start in naming the gender of something like that.”
Jett moved closer, inspecting the shadow in the corner. “Describe it, please.”
I glanced at him, worried I had seen a wraith. “It didn’t have eyes or a nose. Come to think of it, I didn’t notice ears, either, but it could hear me.”
Jett shot a look at Luke who had blanched almost white. So, it was bad.
“Was that a wraith?”
Jett nodded. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Rayla, but you may not sleep here alone anymore.”
“Okay,” I said immediately. I didn’t care who they wanted me to stay with. No way was I going to be alone ever again.
Jett and Luke argued about where to place me. Luke won out because, technically, I was supposed to be in Altasia already. With an ear to ear smile on his face, he went to see to a few things while Jett stayed with me so I could gather what little possessions I had with me.
I stopped at the door, sure I had missed something. When I looked back into the room, I shivered. Enchanting as it was, I would be glad to be rid of it. I nearly overlooked the comforter Aunt Grace had given me that was folded neatly at the end of the bed. I raced over to it and tugged it into my arms. It was all I had left to remind me of a home I would never see again thanks to the Order and my once mentor Nigel Lambert. There was no going back to Castlerock for me. I shook my head. Would I ever have a true home again?
Jett stopped me in the hall. His stare went right through me. It was full of so many emotions—fear, determination, but most of all concern. “If you requested my presence, he couldn’t refuse.”
I would much rather stay with Jett than Luke if it was a choice. Jett had proven he could keep his hands off me. He hadn’t even tried to kiss me since I got here. It was part of his plan to win me over, and I have to say it had worked. “I’d like that, but I don’t want to cause tension between you two.”
His lips twitched into a sad smile. “You cannot cause something that was already there. I need to protect you, Rayla. Too much could go wrong. I do not mean to place blame with anyone. I merely seek to fulfill my duty.”
I was beginning to hate that word, especially when I knew I would have to face it soon myself. I sighed. “You might be able to watch over me tonight, but what about the rest of my time in Altasia, or Ignis, or Eirie for that matter. You can’t come with me everywhere.”
He folded his arms across his chest. “Why not? A threat has been identified. My job is to eradicate threats.”
I shot a smirk over my shoulder. “Technically, that thing said it was here to protect me.”
He barked out a laugh. “Wraith do not speak.”
I whirled around. “I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me.”
I shoved my hands at my hips. “Are you saying I’m crazy?”
He sniffed. “Hardly. You would not be able to describe them so vividly if you had not seen one.”
I gave him a look. “Then how do you explain what I heard?”
“I cannot. Not once since they were banished have Wraith ever spoken to fae. They have only ever destroyed. They live for the hunt; they live to kill.”
I scoffed. “How can they kill something that is immortal?”
He raised his dark brows. “Simply. By absorbing souls.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We don’t have time to discuss this.” When I gave him a hard look, he continued, “All right, but I would prefer to have you settled first.”
I nodded. Talking in the hallway wasn’t on my top things to do list anyway.
Jett stopped just inside of Luke’s chamber. I couldn’t see anything past his shoulder, but the loud grunt that came out of him told me he didn’t like whatever was on the other side of that door.
I sidestepped him, and let out my own little gasp. Narrow pathways split around the gigantic…bed sunk into the middle of the room. If you could call it that. It was more like a den created to propagate iniquity. The worst part was it looked familiar. Blue silk stretched nearly from wall to wall in flowing veils around the bed that from here looked more like the oasis I had spent the afternoon in. Lush pillows dotted billowy bedding.
Oh my goodness. I remembered. He’d made this, at least the bed part, nearly identical to the bed in the carriage he had brought me to Lombarda in—only ten times as big.
I pushed past Jett and marched to where Luke lay sprawled between pillows. “This is nice, Luke, but where are you going to sleep?”
He gave me a genuine pout, gazing up at me with those amazing eyes of his. “I have to be near you to protect you.”
I shook my head. Spending one night alone with him had been hard enough for me to keep my mind focused. “Even wit
h how big this bed is, I hardly think there’ll be room for you, me, and Jett.”
Over my shoulder came a hearty grunt of agreement. “Fix it, Luke.”
“Oh, come on!” Luke protested in the most human exclamation I had heard from a fae. “This should be my time with Rayla. You’ve already had three, make that nearly four, days.”
“It is not my decision to make,” said Jett, waiving his hand in dismissal.
Luke stared at me expectantly.
I cleared my throat. “I’ve decided that Jett should come with us.”
“Out of the question,” spat Luke. “He will be in the way.”
I sat beside him and touched his shoulder. “I would feel more comfortable with both of you there. Besides, he could continue to work with me. I still haven’t mastered earth manipulation.”
Luke grabbed my hand before I could pull it away. “You won’t have time for more training from him. I haven’t begun to show you how to harness water, Rayla. This is a bad idea.”
“I’m sorry. I know how you feel, and I will make sure we have some alone time together, but considering what came after me today, I need to have as many of you around as I can. What if it had tried to steal my soul?”
Luke scoffed and turned toward Jett. “Spreading superstition, I see. Why don’t you tell her about the boogiemen, as well?”
I suppressed a shiver. “What about them?”
Luke jumped to his feet. “You see what you have done?”
Jett didn’t flinch. “Being cautious is not a fault.”
Luke shook his head. “She is already bombarded by fear because of you. Did you have to give her more to worry over?”
Jett folded his arms across his chest. “I have made a point of not lying to Rayla. I intend to keep it that way.”
Luke shot Jett a glower. “Oh, and I have made a point of lying to her?”
I stepped between them. “Please stop. We’re going to be late for dinner.”
Neither of them smiled, but they did shut up.
Tension sat between me and the two lords flanking me. Mom eyed me from the head of the table while her jerk for a husband glared. What fun.
Luke leaned in. “What makes you think I couldn’t protect you if something happened?”
I glanced at him and smiled, hoping to reassure him. “It’s not that. I’m dead positive you could keep up with any of the lords, but I want to learn to protect myself. Having both of you to help me get up to speed just makes sense.”
Jett peeked around me. “Listen to her, Luthais. I am not trying to invade your time with Rayla. I am merely worried about her. With all the rumors floating around, we need to take precautions.”
Luke threw up his arms in a huff. “Why not invite the rest of the lords to Altasia? Make it a real effort.”
Sarcasm dripped from his tone, but he didn’t have a bad idea there. “Actually, that would be great,” I said. Somehow choosing who to bond with didn’t seem like the most important thing at the moment. I wasn’t going to officially do it until I had my family home and safe anyway. Besides, I might get a better idea of who I wanted by having them all in one place.
Luke scraped his chair back and stormed out of the great hall faster than I could react. Well, that was a side of him I had never seen. Hmm.
Mom chuckled. “Rayla, it appears you have much to learn about men.”
I grimaced. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“All right,” she said. “Tabitha has sent an emissary with a message just for you.”
My ears tuned in. “When was this?”
Mom smiled. “While you were straightening out sleeping arrangements.”
She was just telling me this now? Why would she wait so long? “Where is the messenger?”
“Here,” said Zach.
Even now I could recognize the soft lilt of his voice a mile away. The sound sent ripples of gooseflesh along my arms. I turned and time slowed, just like my first glance of him. His smile was exactly how I remembered, sure and strong. His strange blue eyes, dreamy as ever. He looked at Jett who got a cold appraisal and swift dismissal then his eyes glided over Mom. For her he gave a slight nod and waited.
“Sit, lord of void. You are welcome to eat.”
“Thank you, your highness.” He settled in next to me and my heartbeat picked up. Taking a chunk of bread, he turned toward me. “So, I hear we are headed for Altasia. Might be good. Haven’t been there in a while.”
“Hi,” I said, giving him a pout. “It’s good to see you too.”
He smiled around a mouthful of bread before he swallowed it. “Thought that was a given, Rayla. Of course I’m pleased to see you.” Using the tip of his finger, he traced the delicate flesh of my wrist. “Although.” He hesitated then brought his eyes to mine. “I wasn’t quite sure how I would be received.”
A cringe wanted to take over my face, but I managed to tone it down to a slight grimace. I’d been awful to him. It hadn’t been his fault I was dragged into this mess, but I had treated him like it was. I gave him a genuine grin. “It really is good to see you.” When I touched his arm, electricity jolted up mine. I swallowed. “You look like you’ve healed well.” There was no outward sign he had been tortured. I just hoped his insides were fairing as nicely.
Without giving anything away, he studied his food. “That sort of thing stays with you forever, but I have a feeling you know what I’m saying.”
I did. No matter how much time passed, I would remember the horrid events that happened on that island. I just hoped someday pain wouldn’t accompany my memories.
I gave him a nod. “I hear you have something to tell me?”
He laughed. “Oh, I have lots to tell you…” He gave me his roguish grin. “And show you, but I think what you speak of is the message from Tabitha?”
Blood rushed into my face, heating me up. Darn him for affecting me like this. “Yep. Exactly what I was talking about.” His smile broadened. I cleared my throat. “What does she want?”
“I have a missive for you.” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a large envelope.
The rough paper abraded my skin when I opened it. I stood, pulling out the letter with trembling fingers. I was too caught up in what Tabitha wanted to notice Jett and Zach behind me.
“What is it?” asked Jett.
I shook my head at him but gave him a smile. “I haven’t mastered reading minds, so you’ll have to wait until I finish the letter for the answer to your question.”
He shrugged.
I walked away and the room might as well have disappeared when I started reading.
My dearest Rayla,
I have attempted to stay out of your decision, but I have an obligation to my people to make sure you are following the right course.
Current intel has led me to believe your life is in danger. Be wary of those seeking their own interests. I cannot caution you enough. Your choice affects fae and human alike. Remember that. None of the lords would knowingly cause you harm, yet those same lords are the only fae capable of carrying out your demise.
I do not tell you this to worry you, and I do not tell you this lightly. Keep a close eye on those you would make your mate.
Best regards,
Seriously? What kind of horse crap was that? She tells me to watch out, but doesn’t say who I need to be worried about. I folded the letter and wished it would just go away. Without a second’s hesitation it burst into flames. I screamed, releasing the charring paper before it could hit my fingers. The flames consumed it within seconds until all that remained was a floating flurry of ash that drifted to the floor.
Zach’s brows furrowed. “That good, huh?”
I stepped away from him, from Jett too. “Excuse me for a minute?” I didn’t wait for a reply.
Mom was watching us, so I gestured for her to follow me. I raced out of the room and waited in the hall. Sweat beaded along my back. What was I going to do? Tabitha basically said one of the
lords could kill me. Kill, like in dead.
Ainessa was behind it, that was a given, but how could I find out who she controlled and who she didn’t? For all I knew, she had them all under her spell. Maybe Gibbit was right and Luke had been tainted?
Gentle hands touched my shoulder, and I flung myself into Mom’s outstretched arms.
Her tender voice should have soothed me, yet I doubted anything could right now. “Somehow, I was hoping for good news, but I should have known better. What is it, baby?”
Now I wished I still had the letter. Explaining things would be difficult to get out. “She said someone will try to kill me.”
Mom’s face flashed to white. “How did she word it?”
Should I tell her this? I would do it, no problem, if it wasn’t for her husband. This was just the sort of thing that could get me in trouble with the council. I was making rash judgments about him, but by the way Mom acted, and what I had seen from him, it was the only conclusion I could reach.
“I don’t really remember. She just said for me to watch my back.”
She nodded. “I understand your hesitancy to share her true message. I don’t know what I was thinking even asking you. You mustn’t tell me things you wouldn’t share publically.”
A dark shiver slivered over my arms. Why had she waited to tell me that? I gave her a slight smile. “Thanks for the warning.”
Her hands clamped around my arms. “This just proves the point I made earlier. You’d better choose, and soon. Your life is more important than anything else…including love.”
A hiss escaped me. Pressure sure as heck wasn’t what I needed right now, especially from my own mother. “I’ll do my best,” I said.
She pulled me in for a hug. “That is all any of us can ask of you.”
When I entered the great hall again, the room hushed to a low buzz. It seemed every person there watched me with cool reserve as a mask. I squared my shoulders and made my way to three, no four, waiting lords. When had Taylor shown up?