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Horizon Page 10
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Page 10
Once we were in sight if the castle, Jett excused himself. He headed toward the stables. Of course he would have Bastion here. I hoped Zach had brought Styx so he and Bastion could spend some more time together. Styx became a little too temperamental for my liking when he didn’t get enough of her.
I glanced at Zach, determined to develop some sort of ease between us. A sigh came out of me so loud I cringed, my face suddenly heating up.
He gave me one of his crooked smiles. “Having trouble spitting it out? I can tell you want to talk to me. Even though we don’t have a direct mind link, I can still feel your general state of being.”
I chewed on my lip. “Well, it’s just that I do realize we need to work together, and I’m grateful for the training…”
“But?” he asked.
My voice sprang forward, my nerves showing in my harried tone. “How are we going to work the sleeping arrangements?”
His lips twitched. “I think I’ve already made that perfectly clear to you. Nothing has changed in that regard, as far as I am concerned. I cannot protect you without being close to you.”
My teeth sank harder into my lip, until I actually drew blood. This was just bad in so many ways. I didn’t want to be with Zach at night, but I also knew how precarious my situation really was. Valen had made that clear enough and positioning me across the hall from his suite only made it even clearer. If he caught any indication there was trouble between me and my bondmate he would appoint someone else to control me. His threat still hung over me like an acidic fog trying to eat at my mental resolve. Now that I had an idea what he had planned for me, I needed to make sure there was no reason for him to intervene between me and Zach.
Valen’s bondmate was the only thing stopping him from coming after me himself. If he could get rid of her I would be fair game as far as he was concerned. It would come as no surprise to me if Valen would be able to sway the council to let him try to bond with me on a mere technicality. There was no way I was purposely going to give him the chance to take me.
Icky ice slithered through me the minute the idea hit my mind. I’d thought him nice the first time I met him, but that was wrong. He was manipulative, like most of the council members I’d been introduced to. He just had more of a direct approach.
Zach stared at me pointedly. “Okay,” I said, “but no touching.”
He laughed. “You’re going to have to learn to trust me, Rayla.”
I cocked my head at him. “Might be easier if you didn’t keep so many secrets from me.”
His expression shifted to serious. “I’ve been alone for a long time. It’s going to take me a while to remember how to communicate.”
“Shouldn’t be that difficult; you seem to know how to use your mouth.”
He chuckled and his lilt came out when he spoke. “My mouth is capable of much more than speech, love.”
I stiffened at his innuendo. “Please don’t call me that.”
All humor fled his features. “I’ve got to try where I can. Unlike you, I see value to our bond.”
I couldn’t meet his searching eyes, so I stared at the wall behind him. “I’m sorry, Zach. I just…can’t.”
His hand snaked over to mine and he linked our fingers. His body still had the capacity to entice mine, but I wasn’t going there. I managed to pull out of his grasp, yet I was aware that he’d let me.
“I’ve really messed this up,” he said. “I understand your feelings, and as I told you before I’m going to give you time to adjust. But you can’t expect me to like it.”
Sadness settled into my face. “I don’t know how we’re ever going to make this work.”
He stopped cold and grasped my shoulders between his long fingers. “We must, or all is lost. Do you understand that?”
I shook my head. “Why should it matter if we don’t have a good relationship? We’re bound. Shouldn’t that be enough?”
“Everything within our world hinges on you, and that includes your state of mind. Something within you keeps you tied to me. Maybe you should figure out why that is instead of pining away for a man lost to you.”
I didn’t know how to respond and he didn’t say anything else, so I started walking again. Once we reached the castle steps, he took my hand. Tingles shot up my arm. I didn’t complain although inside I groaned. Despite the time I’d already spent wondering, I couldn’t figure out why I was still tied to Zach, but the last thing I wanted to do was hurt him more than I already had.
We made it halfway to our chambers before a page intercepted us. The guy completely ignored me, focusing on Zach instead. “Excuse me, Lord Ammon, Chairman Valen would like you both to join him for dinner.”
“Great,” I said.
The man gave me a curious glance, but before I could pull my foot out of my mouth, Zach chimed in. “What Rayla means to say is we would be delighted. What time should we be ready?”
“The first course will be served in one hour.” With that, he turned and marched down the hall, disappearing into a side corridor in no time.
Neither one of us spoke the rest of the way to our room. All I could think about was figuring out a way to get out of this.
Nicco stood guard at our door. Zach gave him a nod, and I waved. Somehow just having him close gave me a sense of security I probably shouldn’t have felt. Without a word spoken, he opened the door then ushered us inside.
Disappointment flooded me when he didn’t stay. Once again I was left alone with Zach.
Valen made a late appearance to his own party. The frail woman on his arm didn’t say a single word. She barely seemed capable of walking let alone conversing with people. We’d joined several couples already seated around a gilded table that would have made Louis XIV envious. In fact, the dining hall resembled pictures I’d seen of the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles with painted frescos and amazing sculpture.
The hall opened onto an open balcony. The French doors were swung wide, letting in a soft breeze that brought the sultry fragrance of Lombarda with it. I didn’t think in a thousand years I could name it. It was sort of floral but musky at the same time.
The setting was beautiful to say the least, yet I’d never been more uncomfortable in my life.
“Good evening,” Valen said, catching my attention. He made a low bow to the group. Everyone stood so suddenly, they caught me off guard. I scrambled to my feet, hoping no one noticed. Waiting for a scolding, I clenched my jaw but none came. The benefits of being seated at the far end of the table weren’t lost on me.
Valen gave a courteous smile, his steady blue eyes shimmering as he scanned the crowd. His arm swept out sideways before he said, “Please sit. Enjoy your dinner.”
Just like that conversation ensued. We were closest to the king and queen of Altasia, which was a huge problem considering I’d spurned her entire nation by refusing Luke.
What was I supposed to say to this woman now? She’d made it clear to me that she wanted me bound to him, and here I sat with Zach.
“Lord Ammon,” she said, in that condescending way of hers. Her fingers slid over her bouffant before she placed both hands delicately in her lap. “I have it on good authority you traipsed into the dark realms to recover our dear, Rayla.” She patted his arm. “Tell me it is not so.”
Zach gave her a conspiratorial glance, leaning in as if he had the secrets of the world on the tip of his tongue. “I’m afraid it’s too true, your majesty.”
She gasped, raising a dainty hand to her mouth. “How horrible for you.” She turned to me, stretching her other hand out to clasp mine. “And for you, dear. We were so worried about you. I do wish you had chosen to stay in Altasia.”
As she spoke I tipped my glass back for a drink so I could respond in gestures instead of words. Unfortunately when I computed what she’d said, I nearly sprayed her with the bright pink liquid. As it was, I coughed so loud the entire entourage looked my way.
I recovered quickly and pressed my napkin to the sides
of my mouth before replacing it into my lap. “Forgive me, your highness. I don’t know what came over me.” She narrowed her eyes a bit, so I pushed forward, determined to not let her intimidate me. “I really do appreciate your concern.”
“Yes, well,” she said, eyeing me dubiously. “Those vile creatures who roam the dark realms are not to be trusted. We are lucky our dear Ammon had the sense to follow you when he recovered from the attack.”
She thought the creatures of the dark realms attacked Zach? I whipped my head toward him, searching his eyes for some sort of answer to my unspoken question.
“Yes,” he said. “We are fortunate I recovered so quickly.”
How long was it? There were so many things I still needed to know yet had no good way of finding out. The two of them started talking, exchanging horror stories about the borderland creatures and the dark realms. I was sure it was for my benefit, but little did they know I would gladly leave right now to sup with the Alp-lauchra than sit here and listen to a bunch of fake people babble. If this was court life, we were going to have problems.
Zach shifted his attention to me. Taking my hand into his, he gave a little squeeze. The draw of someone watching us pulled my gaze down the line of the table. Valen had a glass in his hand, swirling the contents around, but his eyes were on me.
I’d thought Jett had been bad at first, but Valen had an ick factor that permeated the air. That being said, I gave him a slight smile, glanced at his bondmate, then set out to make sure he knew I was with Zach—who didn’t seem to mind my casual touches.
I was on edge the rest of the evening; in fact, I hardly noticed the food come and go. Hunger had gone from me the moment I entered the room anyway, but I tried to not pick at my meal. I didn’t want Valen thinking anything was wrong with me. He had to believe I was happy with Zach.
The problem was I caught myself stiffening every time Zach leaned closer or brushed my hand with tender fingers. When we finally left for the evening, I bolted toward the bedroom, intent on getting my blasted gown off.
Zach followed me, though not as quickly. I made it to the closet before he could say a word and shut myself in. All at once, my emotions flooded me, covering me with despair. My body shook as tears spilled down my cheeks. I clamped a hand over my mouth to keep my sobs from escaping.
The more time I spent here, the more I understood what I had agreed to do when I told Tabitha I would see this through. If I wasn’t careful I would ruin any chance I had of being with Heath again, but worse, I might just end up with the vilest man alive as my bondmate.
Chapter Five
The days came and went; all a repeat of the previous one. Zach had given me space, as promised, but every night I had to put on a show of affection for him. I hadn’t gathered enough nerve to ask him if he’d heard anything about Heath and Lacey.
No one accused me of anything where my friend was concerned. In fact, no one said a word about the Elemental gone missing, as if it didn’t really matter, as if the Elemental supply would go on forever.
Had Lacey’s promised bondmate actually come to collect her? When he didn’t find her, had he simply shrugged and gone home? I just couldn’t believe they weren’t making more of a fuss about it, but I had a feeling more was happening within the courts than I was privy to.
My progress as far as my powers were concerned was decent. Jett really had a way of helping me understand the finer workings of control. It wasn’t so much about strangling my powers like I’d thought; it was more about keep a conscious leash on them.
One afternoon, after about a month of training, Jett approached me once we finished our session. He seemed off center about something, but I couldn’t figure out what his problem was.
“Rayla,” he blurted. “I must soon leave.”
I’d come to rely on him as a visible barrier between Zach and I, and now I was going to lose him? “Why?” I asked, my throat tightening.
His smile held a sad edge. “I must prepare for the tournament. As it is, I have neglected my skills.”
“Because of training me?” I asked, giving him no chance to explain further.
He grunted, but I got his unspoken meaning…he’d given up his future prospects as lord of earth to teach me. Guilt hit me full force. “Are you worried you’ll lose?”
He chuckled. “It is not about winning and losing. We fight to ensure the safety of our people. If I have become too weak to lead my nation, I should be replaced.”
I nodded, although, I couldn’t imagine anyone more adept at earth manipulation than he was. I stepped closer to him unable to process what his absence would mean for me. I’d become used to Jett’s steady nature. For some reason he calmed me, and now I was going to have to figure out how to manage my emotions without his help. My fingers brushed his upper arm, but what I really wanted to do was clamp myself onto his leg like I did to Uncle John when I was little to keep him home. “When do you leave?”
“I should have already gone, but I wanted to make sure you were situated before I left.”
I gave him a half smile. “I’ll miss you.”
“And I you.” He glanced around us as if looking for onlookers before he offered me his arm.
I gratefully accepted, wanting more time with my friend. “Thanks for everything,” I said when the words I should have been saying wouldn’t come.
He patted my hand. “It was my pleasure. I am proud of the progress you have made. It usually takes an Elemental more than a century to be of much use where power is concerned. But it seems as if you were born to wield the elements. You shall make a fine queen.”
I diverted my eyes because I couldn’t take his stare. Was he trying to get me to fess up about Zach? It wasn’t as if I had anything new to say on the matter. I still wanted Heath.
When we neared the path to the stables, he stopped. I didn’t want to say goodbye to him. I wanted to keep him with me, to protect me, but I had to let him go; and I wasn’t about to try to make him feel guilty.
“Rayla,” he said. “Would you mind accompanying me to the stables?”
I shrugged. “Of course not.” My curiosity churned my thoughts before long, and I couldn’t take the silence between us. “What’s up?”
He ignored me, but turned to Zach. “I will not have her for too long.”
Zach nodded, hardly breaking stride to answer. Something was going on with him, and I was going to find out exactly what it was. But not right now.
Anticipation filled my belly with fluttering butterflies. I wondered so many things. Did Jett have a message for me from Heath or Tabitha? Had they found Travis?
He kept quiet as we walked, yet the stiff set of his shoulders told me whatever he had to tell me wasn’t good news.
My muscles clamped up in response, as if they knew something I didn’t. He opened a side door and escorted me through the musty space. By this time my mind raced with so many possibilities I was ready to scream at him.
Then I noticed Bastion hanging out two stalls down. Her light blue eyes were trained on me. Sort of creepy how she watched me, but I tried not to let it bother me.
Jett cleared his throat. “I’m not really sure how to tell you this,” he began. “It’s been on my mind since our last visit, and I’ve thought it over…” A bead of sweat trickled down his hairline, following the line of his chin toward his neck.
“What is it?” I asked, placing my hand on his arm. “You can tell me anything.”
He walked over to Bastion and rubbed her head between the ears. She nuzzled his hand in return. When he spoke, his voice came out quiet yet unyielding. “I’ve had her a very long time.”
I didn’t like the hard edge in his tone but had no clue where he was going with this. “Jett, would you please just tell me what’s wrong? I can take it.”
He laughed. “Nothing is wrong. I am merely having trouble letting go.”
Letting go? I glanced at him then Bastion, and it hit me. He was leaving her behind.
She reared back,
kicking her front legs at the gate as if in response to my thoughts. I put three stall’s length between us.
“You can’t do it,” I said. “Look at her. She hates me.”
They seemed to share a moment. “She knows what she must do.”
I huffed. “Well, that makes one of us.”
He blinked a few times as if trying to focus. “She’s yours—my bonding gift to you.”
“Wh—what?” My voice wouldn’t work. Of all the things I expected him to say, that was not it. “I can’t take her from you!” I’d thought he was just going to leave her here until he came back for the tournament.
His strong fingers gave a light squeeze to my shoulder. “I’ve made my decision.”
I shook my head at him, trying to read his expression. “But just a few weeks ago you were going on and on about how much she means to you. This is too weird, Jett. I can’t.”
He waived a dismissive hand. “It’s done. She will stay with her mate, as will you.”
That last bit was definitely a command. Was he actually threatening me? My first instinct was to tell him where to shove his demands. I was not part of his army, not his to boss around, but I held my temper on a miniscule leash. “Although I totally appreciate the gesture,” I said. “I can’t accept.”
“I’m not asking you to. She’s staying, and she’s yours. I had hoped you would cherish her, but she is no longer my worry.”
I inched closer to him, bristling. “Just because you’ve given me your glorified horse doesn’t mean I’m going to stay here, and it doesn’t mean I’m staying with Z—”
He grabbed my shoulders and shook me. “You will not speak such things. It’s bad enough you think them. He is your bondmate. You need to deal with it.”
I gave a pointed look at his hand. “And you need to back up.”